> F.A.Q.
> Regulatory Authorities
> State Action Plans
> What are the countries that already submitted a State Action Plan?

What are the countries that already submitted a State Action Plan?

According to ICAO ​by mid-August 2013, 63 Member States, representing approximately 80% of global international air traffic, prepared and submitted APER to ICAO. It was then expected that the submission of additional action plans by the end of 2013 would bring the total coverage of global international air traffic to over 90%.

Publicly Available Action Plans can be downloaded below​:
  1. Australia - English
  2. Austria - English
  3. Canada - English / French
  4. Central American States
     - English and Spanish
  5. China - English
  6. Denmark - English
  7. Finland - English
  8. France - French
  9. Germany - English
  10. Greece - English
  11. Hungary - English
  12. Iceland - English
  13. Ireland - English
  14. Italy - English
  15. Nepal - English
  16. Norway - English
  17. Slovak Republic - English
  18. Sri Lanka - English
  19. Sweden - English
  20. Switzerland - English
  21. Thailand - English
  22. Trinidad and Tobago - English
  23. United Kingdom - English
    A Marginal Abatement   Cost Curve Model
    Aviation Forecasts 
  24. United States - English
Source: ICAO Back to all F.A.Q.