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> COP21: China expresses "serious concerns" over ICAO global measure to limit growth of aviation emissions

COP21: China expresses "serious concerns" over ICAO global measure to limit growth of aviation emissions


In a statement presented yesterday at the COP21 climate conference in Paris, China expressed its displeasure over a key element of the global market-based measure (GMBM) currently under development at ICAO. The Strawman proposal drawn up to provide a potential framework for the main structure of the GMBM is not compatible with the UN climate differentiation principle (CBDR), says a statement by China to SBSTA, the UNFCCC technical and scientific body dealing with international aviation and shipping emissions. Another statement by Argentina on behalf of a number of developing States, including China, Brazil and India, plus groups of African and Arab countries, said the CBDR principle had to be fully respected by ICAO on climate issues and measures should not constitute hidden restrictions on international trade. [...]

GreenAir Online

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