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> Commercial Aviation
> Which are the Small Island Developing States?

Which are the Small Island Developing States?

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are low-lying coastal countries that tend to share similar sustainable development challenges, including small but growing populations, limited resources, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, vulnerability to external shocks, excessive dependence on international trade, and fragile environments. Their growth and development are also held back by high communication, energy and transportation costs, irregular international transport volumes, disproportionately expensive public administration and infrastructure due to their small size, and little to no opportunity to create economies of scale.

The SIDS were first recognized as a distinct group of developing countries at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992. 

List of Small Island Developing States (UN Member States):
1. Antigua and Barbuda 14. Guyana 27. Saint Lucia
2. Bahamas 15. Haiti* 28. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
3. Barbados 16. Jamaica 29. Samoa
4. Belize 17. Kiribati* 30. Sao Tome and Principe*
5. Cabo Verde 18. Maldives 31. Singapore
6. Comoros* 19. Marshall Islands 32. Seychelles
7. Cook Islands 20. Mauritius 33. Solomon Islands*
8. Cuba 21. Micronesia (Federated States of) 34. Suriname
9. Dominica 22. Nauru 35. Timor-Leste*
10. Dominican Republic      23. Niue 36. Tonga
11. Fiji 24. Palau 37. Trinidad and Tobago
12. Grenada 25. Papua New Guinea 38. Tuvalu*
13. Guinea-Bissau* 26. Saint Kitts and Nevis 39. Vanuatu

List of Small Island Developing States (non-UN Member States):
1. Anguilla 4. Cayman Islands 7. New Caledonia
2. Aruba 5. Curaçao 8. Sint Maarten
3. British Virgin Islands 6. Montserrat 9. Tokelau

*Also Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
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