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> Industry and NGOs urge ICAO to adopt a long-term emissions reduction goal for international aviation by 2022

Industry and NGOs urge ICAO to adopt a long-term emissions reduction goal for international aviation by 2022


The aviation industry and environmental organisations have urged ICAO to agree on a long-term goal to reduce emissions from international aviation for adoption by its 41st Assembly in 2022. Industry and NGOs believe ICAO must act in light of the recent UN IPCC special report calling for a net zero emissions world by the middle of the century. In a working paper for consideration by States attending the Assembly, industry has also expressed concern that the implementation and effectiveness of the ICAO CORSIA carbon offsetting scheme could be undermined by States or groups of States applying carbon pricing instruments or taxes to international flights additional to CORSIA. Meanwhile, a paper from China and Russia describes CORSIA and its carbon-neutral growth goal as “morally unfair”. 

The climate change resolution A39-2 adopted at the last ICAO Assembly in 2016 requested the governing Council to continue to explore through studies the feasibility of a long-term aspirational goal for international aviation and to present progress of the work at this year’s Assembly. However, a working paper (A40-WP/55) to be presented by the Council at the upcoming 40th Assembly merely says the work is continuing for presentation at the following 41st Assembly in 2022.[...]

GreenAir Online

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