> F.A.Q.
> Business Aviation
> Quality
> What is the complaint and/or appeal process of VERIFAVIA?

What is the complaint and/or appeal process of VERIFAVIA?

VERIFAVIA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of service and integrity in its operations. In line with ISO 17029:2019, we have established a transparent and systematic process for managing, evaluating, taking necessary corrective actions, and making informed decisions on complaints and appeals. This ensures all concerns are addressed promptly and fairly, adhering to the principles of impartiality and confidentiality.
Our complaints and appeals process is designed to be accessible and straightforward, ensuring stakeholders can easily navigate through the necessary steps. Here is a brief overview:
  • Submission: Stakeholders wishing to file a complaint and/or an appeal are encouraged to reach out to VERIFAVIA via our quality department (quality@verifavia.com) who will direct inquiries to relevant contact points for prompt attention.
  • Acknowledgment: Upon receipt, each complaint and/or appeal is acknowledged and recorded in our system for further action.
  • Evaluation: Each case (complaint and/or appeal) undergoes a thorough evaluation to ascertain its legitimacy and determine the extent of the investigation needed, adhering to the methodical approach prescribed by ISO 17029:2019.
  • Investigation: An in-depth investigation is undertaken, incorporating all pertinent information and evidence to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Decision Making: Decisions are made based on the insights gained from the investigation. VERIFAVIA then undertakes suitable corrective actions and communicates the resolution to the party involved. This decision is communicated to the complainant or appellant.
  • Iteration: We engage in continuous dialogue with the complainant or appellant until a mutual resolution is reached, ensuring all parties are satisfied with the outcome.
  • Closure: Following the decision and mutual agreement, the case is formally closed. We welcome feedback at this stage to foster ongoing improvement in our processes.
Contact us directly in case of questions or concerns. We are committed to ensuring that all complaints and appeals are handled in a manner that is fair, efficient, and in accordance with the best practices outlined in ISO 17029:2019.

Fig: Summary of complaint/appeal process
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