> F.A.Q.
> What is the required fuel consumption monitoring methodology?

What is the required fuel consumption monitoring methodology?

The annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is the sum of individual fuel consumption of all flights operated during the year. 

The GHG emissions of each flight is the flight’s jet fuel consumption volume multiplied by the emission factor, according to thre formula below: 
Emissions = ∑(Jet Fuel Consumption(i) * Emission Factor)
In which:
i is the flight;
Jet Fuel Consumption is the fuel consumption of this flight, in tonne
Emission Factor’s unit is tCO2/t.

The fuel consumption of each flight is calculated according to formula:
Fuel consumption of each flight (tonne) = fuel volume indicated on the on-board measuring equipment when the engine starts before the aircraft takes off - fuel volume indicated on the on-board measuring equipment after the engine shuts down.

If the on-board system cannot record fuel consumption data in time, or fuel data cannot be obtained because of other reasons, then the below method is applied:
Fuel consumption of each flight (tonne) = original fuel volume in the aircratf tank before the flight + uplift fuel for this flight – fuel in the aircraft tank after the flight

The emission factors are given in the table below:
Type of fuel Emission factor (tCO2/t)
Jet gasoline 3.10
Injected gasoline 3.10
Jet kerosene (Jet A1) 3.15

Source:  Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange (SEEE) Back to all F.A.Q.